Cisco WLC Code-- What Should I Be Running?

Two questions I'm frequently asked are "What version of wireless code should I be running?" and "Is there code support for X hardware with Y software?"  Although the answer will vary depending on the specific hardware and features required, Cisco has provided two very helpful resources that should be consulted.   

For recommended AireOS/Mobility Express code releases the Cisco TAC Recommended AireOS Builds is a great place to see what TAC currently judges as the best software release

After reviewing what TAC recommends, be sure to always check the Release Notes for each version of code for a detailed breakdown of what's in each release, including What's New, supported/unsupported features per platform, and Resolved or Unresolved Caveats.

With so many AP models being produced in the last few years maintaining compatibility between WLC software and AP hardware can be a challenge.   To quickly see what software support is required for a specific model of AP or when software support ended, what version of Cisco Prime is compatible with a WLC, CMX, or MSE release, the Cisco Wireless Solutions Software Compatibility Matrix is the place to go.  

Wireless troubleshooting can encompass a lot of variables.  There's the wired network.  There's the client supplicant configurat...