Changing Cisco AP Image Versions

While a Cisco Wireless Controller will keep the Access Point firmware in sync, you may need to swap code between Autonomous or Mobility Express images.  This post will explore three common scenarios and how to do that.

First let's identify the code we need to install.  With a quick glance at the filename we can determine if the image is designated for a lightweight, autonomous or Mobility Express installation.

For a lightweight code image look for the k9w8 tag.  ap3g1-rcvk9w8-tar.153-3.JF8.tar
For an autonomous image look for the k9w7 tag.  ap3g1-k9w7-tar.153-3.JF8.tar
For a Mobility Express Image look for the ME tag.   AIR-AP3800-K9-ME-8-8-100-0.tar

Lightweight to Autonomous

I've found the most convenient way to convert an AP from lightweight to Autonomous mode is by using a Cisco Controller and TFTP server.  This can be accomplished quickly and easily with just a single command.  Note that this procedure is for pre-Wave 2 AC APs only, as they support the Autonomous image.

From the WLC CLI interface:

config ap tftp-downgrade tftp-server-ip-address filename access-point-name

(WLC) >config ap tftp-downgrade ap3g2-k9w7-tar.153-3.JF8.tar 3502i

The WLC will send the command to the AP and the AP will download the code, reboot and come up in Autonomous mode.

Autonomous to Lightweight

To move the AP from autonomous to lightweight mode, we can execute a single command.

archive download-sw /overwrite /reload tftp://IPADDRESS/lightweightcodename.tar

The AP will download the image and automatically reboot.

Convert To Mobility Express

If you have a lightweight AP that you want to convert to Mobility Express follow these steps.

From the console login to the AP.  Note that if the AP has previously joined to a Wireless Controller the default login may be disabled.  If the default username/password doesn't work verify from the WLC Global or individual AP credential option.

At the AP CLI initiate the code transfer with the following command:

ap-type mobility-express tftp://<tftp server ip-address>/<filename of TAR file with path from root on the TFTP server>

For example:  ap-type mobility-express tftp://

The AP will reboot and load the Mobility Express image.

Mobility Express to Lightweight

If you have a Mobility Express deployment and want to move all of the APs over to a lightweight install this can be accomplished with a single command.   First, let's verify our Mobility Express APs from the CLI.

(Cisco Controller) >show ap summary

Number of APs.................................... 2

AP Name                         Slots  AP Model              Ethernet MAC       Location              Country     IP Address       Clients  DSE Location 
------------------------------  -----  --------------------  -----------------  --------------------  ----------  ---------------  -------  --------------
*3802                            3      AIR-AP3802I-B-K9     
1832                            2      AIR-AP1832I-B-K9 

Having verified the APs joined to the WLC are the ones we want to convert, we can now initiate the command.
(Cisco Controller) > config ap unifiedmode <switch_name> <switch_ip_address>

>config ap unifiedmode WLC
Warning! Sending config unifiedmode to all APs will cause the WLC to be rebooted.
 Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n) y

The APs will reboot and join the Controller as programmed in the command.

Wireless troubleshooting can encompass a lot of variables.  There's the wired network.  There's the client supplicant configurat...